To the people that read this thing (insert crickets), sorry it has been so long since I have updated but E3 is on the way and that means long hours at the office getting the game ready for some sort of showing. Kratos snuggling aside, I finally got a day to do laundry (oops April did the laundry) and catch up on the world around me. So with my warm socks fresh out of the dryer let us begin...
Derek Daniels has me hooked on the 1up 1up 1up shoooooow! This thing is pure genius and needs to be on network TV yesterday. After the total and complete decline of G4's Attack of the Show, yes new host girl you officially ended the party. Kevin Rose's departure started the fall now with Sarah and Brendan leaving Kevin P to save the Alamo, I feel like it's going to be 6 weeks and then out for the show as a whole. That's where The 1up Show comes in, get that shit on TV now... screw G4 and Spike with all their fake video game content, but we all know the moment it does go on TV it will most likely be ruined so quicktime downloads it will be for now! Oh yeah if you 1up Show people are reading this, Derek and I will totally buy you drinks at E3 and gossip it up with you so send us a note if you are down, let this be known that this is a huge offer on my end since I do not drink or socialize often at all... So don't leaving me hanging around Kentia Hall like your junior prom backup date!
On that note of meeting up with people I am going to extend that invitation to all game developers that want to talk shop or just plain BS at E3. Last year I saw Tim Schafer and said screw and went over to talk to him... it was awesome to meet the guy and it got me to thinking why can't I talk to other game designers all the time. Since that day I have been trying to figure out a way to get game designers to unite and talk to one another. So let's figure this out and make E3 the first of some kind of meet and greet your peers so we might advance this industry in a positive way by actually talking to each other. I mean it's pretty sad Naughty Dawg is like walking distance from our office but I have yet to meet a single designer that works there, Sony was going to set something up but I guess things were too busy or something... BOO! Thank goodness we got to say hi and hello to the Ueda and his team around GDC time but I want to do more of this, so send me an email if you want to meet up and E3.
Kingdom Hearts 2 and my Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper Slurpee are waiting so I am out for now...